The TLN Mobilicat group mobility project aims to improve the employability and promote the labor market insertion of young graduates in vocational training through:
- A linguistic training of 160h.
- A pedagogical and intercultural preparation.
- Academic and labor orientation actions.
- An 8-week internship program abroad.
Who can participate?
- Young people who meet the requirements of the Youth Guarantee program (from 18 to 29 years old, registered as job seekers in SOC and not being studying at the time of the start of the project).
- Young people with knowledge of English or the language of the destination country.
- Young people with less than 12 months of professional experience in the specialty.
- Graduates in vocational training (intermediate and higher level) of the following professional families:
Physical and sport activities
- Initial VET degree in Physical and Sports Activities Animation
- Higher VET degree in Teaching and Social and Sporting Animation
Administration and management
- Initial VET degree in Administrative Management
- Higher VET degree in Administration and Finance
- Higher VET degree in Management Assistance
Trade and marketing
- Initial VET degree in Commercial Activities
- Initial VET degree in Commercial Activities, professional profile Logistics
- Initial VET degree in Commercial Activities, Fashion professional profile
- Initial VET degree in Commercialization of Food Products
- Higher VET degree in Sales and Commercial Space Management
Graphic and audiovisual communication
- Initial VET degree in Plastic Arts and Design in Assistance to the Printed Graphic Product
- Initial VET degree in Plastic Arts and Design in Assistance to Interactive Graphic Products
- Higher VET degree in Plastic Arts and Design in Advertising Graphic Design
- Higher VET degree in Plastic Arts and Design in Illustration
- Higher VET degree in Plastic Arts and Design in Printed Graphics
- Higher VET degree in Plastic Arts and Design in Interactive Graphics
Electricity and electronics
- Initial VET degree in Electrical and Automatic Installations
- Higher VET degree in Automation and Industrial Robotics
- Higher VET degree in Electronic Maintenance
- Higher VET degree in Electrotechnical and Automated Systems
Hospitality and tourism
- Initial VET degree in Catering Services
- Initial VET degree in Cooking and Gastronomy
- Higher VET degree in Kitchen Management
- Higher VET degree in Catering Services Management
- Higher VET degree in Tourist Accommodation Management
- Higher VET degree in Guide, Information and Tourist Assistance
Image and Sound
- Initial VET degree in Video, Disc jockey and Sound
- Higher VET degree in Sound for Audiovisuals and Shows
- Higher VET degree in Lighting, Capture and Image Treatment
- Higher VET degree in Production of Audiovisuals and Shows
- Higher VET degree in Audiovisual and Show Business Project Production
Personal image
- Higher VET degree in Aesthetics and Beauty
- Higher VET degree in Hairdressing and Hair Cosmetics
- Higher VET degree in Styling and Hairdressing Management
Food industries
- Initial VET degree in Food Products
- Initial VET degree in Pastry and Confectionery
Information technology and communications
- Initial VET degree in Microcomputer Systems and Network
- Initial VET degree in Network Computer Systems Administration
- Higher VET degree in Multiplatform Applications Development
- Higher VET degree in Web Applications Development
Installation and maintenance
- Initial VET degree in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Installations
- Initial VET degree in Heat Production Installations
- Initial VET degree in Electromechanical Maintenance
- Higher VET degree in Thermal and Fluids Installations Project Development
- Higher VET degree in Industrial Mechatronics
- Higher VET degree in Prosthetic Audiology
- Higher VET degree in Dental Prosthesis
Socio-cultural and community services
- Initial VET degree in Early Childhood Education
Transportation and maintenance of vehicles
- Initial VET degree in Electromechanics of Automotive Vehicles
- Higher VET degree in Automotive
Which are the mobility’s destinations?
- Espoo (Finland)
- Munich (Germany)
- Rome (Italy)
Project’s calendar
Selection of candidates: until June 30th, 2022.
Language training: September 2022.
Internship in destination cities: October- November 2022.
If you want to join the project, sign up to the pool of interested people and we will contact you as soon as the project’s new edition is approved.
Register here
Further information
Project coordination:
Project sponsored by: