You also can further your Professional Training!  

For Vocational educational training the company becomes a key actor for student’s aim to attain the technical professional competences they need, which are linked at each formative speciality and also transversal, since these are the demand of the current ongoing  job market.

If your company want to invest in Vocational Educational Training we can help you with the following options:


Company Scholarship are Training scholarships that allow the student to continue in the company where he / she has successfully completed and completed the FCT in order to improve their transversal and specific competences related to their training.

Download the regulations here


Company-simulated are formative scholarships that permit the continuity of the student/inside the company with the aim to improve transversal and specific competences related with the the student’s education.


This project has the aim to foster the improvement and the quality of VET through processes of open innovation among the VET centres and the business tissue participant at the project.

Your company is interested in the MetròpolisFPlab challenge?

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