The ALMA program is aimed at young people who have difficulties accessing work or training for individual or structural reasons, and aims to empower them when integrating into the labor market, the education system or society, through the implementation of a personalized approach that allows them to improve skills, knowledge and experience.
The programme is promoted and promoted by the Public Employment Service of Catalonia, and funded by the European Social Fund.
The ALMA project of the BCN Vocational Training Foundation has 10 places
for young people who want to do a professional internship in France or Italy.

Development of the program
- A phase of preparation of the participants in Catalonia, which aims to
preparing them for a practical learning and labour integration stay in France
or Italy. This phase includes a linguistic training in French or Italian, capsules
interculturality, social, cultural and civic activities, and pedagogical monitoring
(orientation and individual and group tutorials). - A phase of mobility, during which the participants carry out the
Professional internships with the aim of integrating into the work environment. This one
phase includes a professional internship in a company or institution in France or
Italy, capsules of interculturality, social, cultural and civic activities and a
pedagogical follow-up (orientation and individual and group tutorials). - A follow-up phase once the internship is over, during which it is
fosters the integration of people into the labour, educational or training market
participants. This phase includes academic and work guidance and advice,
visits to municipal facilities and services and pedagogical monitoring (orientation
and individual and group tutorials).
Who can participate?
Young people who, at the time of starting the project, meet these requirements:
- Be between 18 and 29 years old.
- Have a residence permit.
- Be registered as a job seeker at the SOC.
- Become a beneficiary of the Youth Guarantee program.
In addition, candidates must prove that they belong to at least one of the following
- Young people with low training level (Primary Education, IFE, PFI/FP Basic, Level 1 CP, or ESO/GESO).
- Young people unemployed for at least 12 months (registered as Unoccupied Employment Demandant in the SOC interrupted since June 15, 2024, or before).
- Young people with different abilities, functional diversities or health conditions.
- Exhausted young people.
Project timing
- Selection phase: January – May
- Preparation phase: 16 June – 14 September
- Mobility phase: 15 September – 14 November
- Follow-up phase: 17 November – 19 December
Interested persons must attend an informative session. You can sign up for one of the information sessions by clicking here:
More information
Irma Sust
Senior technician of European projects
Fundació BCN Formació Professional
934 13 21 01