The Foundation BCN Professional Training, together with the European Mesh of FP, UPC and the address and some companies of the Port of Barcelona took part in the “Congress of the Americas on International Nurture” (CAEI), celebrated in Bogota of the 23 at the October 25, 2019, where presented the educational Hub of the Port of Barcelona as a example of good practices at superior nurture. This event gave us the opportunity to deepen at the internationalisation of the FP further of Europa, so much for the mobility of students and professorship, how for the conjoint development of projects of ken and innovation.

At this sense it is necessary to excel a possible road of collaboration with SENATI, the technical institution of more professional training big of the Peru that achieves three levels of training: operative technician, technical professional and technological professional and fosters the dual learning. This institution forms in addition to 90,000 students by the year at more of 70 technical careers endorsed by a National Committee composed by representatives of the most important industries of the country. Our contacts with this organism have permitted us establish the guidelines to sign a Memorandum of Entente with distinct lines of collaboration.

The virtualitat as a ongoing strategic line and future of collaboration that the new requirements of work created by the Covid 19 have speeded makes that projects like Metropoles FP Lab, companies simulated (together with Foundation Inform) or the good practices of the Hubs of ken have at this context an opportunity renewed